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Introducing Sludge - A terminal UI for Slurm clusters

Whether it’s way back when I used to fumble through htop at work to figure out what’s happening with some on-prem server, or if it’s today when lazydocker and k9s have grown into critical tools that maximize my productivity, I’ve always been a huge fan of terminal UIs–especially those that are highly interactive.

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5 Tips for Surviving as an Engineer in a Non-Tech Organization

For decades, traditionally non-tech/low-tech companies have started to realize the competitive edge to be gained from investing in technology. We’ve seen an explosion of various “must-have” technical capabilities: real-time customer insights, predictive modeling, search engine optimization, personalization AI, just to name a few.

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Why I Left Netflix to Join a 3 Month Old Startup

Over the past few months, I’ve been asked about this enough times that I eventually found it a fitting topic for the first post for this blog. Let me start by saying that I loved working at Netflix!